Tenuta della Luia

Tenuta della Luia

Loc. Betto, Certaldo (FI)

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Tenuta della Luia is a typical vineyard, located in Chianti Val d'Elsa between Florence and Siena.
It is comprised of 100 hectares (just under 250 acres), 60 percent of wich are dedicated to our vineyards,  30% to our olive groves, remaining is wood.

Wine  tastings are  available by appointment, and can take place on the  estate. It includes a  visit to the cellar and production facility,  and to the vineyards, also on the  estate. Taste wines in various states of  maturation, direct from the steel vats or barriques as well.

A  visit to the small viticultural family  museum of the agriculture is a  must, and to the wine cellars under the tower as well. Contact Gianni Gori to receive information on a personalized tasting (English spoken).

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